Alveston Court, Cnr Baines Ave/4th Street Harare
Contact person:
Mr. Okay Machisa
Telephone Numbers:
04 707277
- Pursuant to the above aims, ZimRights objectives are:
- Promoting (through a deliberate outreach programme) human rights for all people regardless of status.
- Assisting the marginalized sectors of the community by providing them with relevant education and information in order to assert their rights and seek improvement of their living conditions.
- Acting as a voice of the voiceless, the oppressed and their disadvantaged groups and aiming at empowering all citizens to be active participants in a democratic society.
- Carrying out research into injustices and the underlying causes of these and then finding ways of remedying these through documentation and recommendations based on established facts.
- Lobbying the Zimbabwe Government to commit itself to good governance through ratifying important international human rights instruments and to rededicate itself to its commitment to observe, protect and respect human rights and dignity of the individual through constantly reminding it of its international obligations.
- Co-operating with other human rights organizations locally, regionally and internationally who are striving to advance the cause of human rights.
Mission Statement:
To use a grassroots based approach in promoting, protecting and defending Human Rights in Zimbabwe through education, information, legal aid, counseling, lobbying, advocacy and networking.
Adult Education; Advocacy; Civil Activism; Children/Youth; Democracy & Good Governance; Education/Training; Gender; HIV/AIDS; Human Rights; Legal; Research/Documentation/Info Dissemination; Victim Support; Women; Voter Education and Election Monitoring